Tuesday 12 February 2013

Kibera Church of God Primary School

Kibera Informentors Foundation’s Gonsag Odero, introducing the career mentorship and leadership program to the students of upper class at Church of God primary school kibera.
This school is located in Laini Saba area in Kibera. Twenty minutes walk from the D.Os office. It is five minutes from the railway line. This school is young and only last year did they sit fro their first K.C.P.E examinations. It has about 150 pupils from pre -school to class eight. It is a christian school that the foundation of the teachings are on the word of God. Which is very inspiring.
Today, two of the mentors Eunice and Gonzag had a great day at one of our new schools this year. The students started the session with songs of praise to the Lord, which is a different thing from other schools that we have visited. Many of the students would like lawyers, doctors, engineers to come and speak with them. This will be very much possible for us to bring theses people to them. For them, it will be a whole new experience because, Simpy getting to interact with these people from different professions will be a great opportunity for them to learn more.
We will get to go to church of God primary every Tuesdays for the mentorship program.